Zheng:I will just wait for a while, since there’s nothing else I can do. It is a very tricky moment. Basically, as long as you are patient to wait for a while, be not too ...
1. “Nevermind, I’ll just do it myself.” 1.“没事,我自己来。” Marriage pro tip: When you ask your spouse to call the plumber to fix the sink, give him a chance to do it. Rolling your eyes and saying, “nevermind, I’ll do it myself” may result ...
08 Just do it already! Just… already! 赶紧的做某事!这个短语一般都是在抱怨对方反应太慢,表现一种不耐烦的态度。 ▷I've been hearing about this girl for weeks. Just ask her ou...
10. When it comes to making an impact, you rule. (Note: Draw a ruler. You can do it.) 要说一鸣惊人,那绝对是您最拿手的。(小提示:拿一下自己的手,你做得到的。) 11. a) A peach b...
"I never really cared until I met you, and now it chills me to the bone." 1987 Prince: 《U Got The Look》 "You've got the look, you've got the hook. You sure'nuf do be cook...
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